FUPA: (lifted from Urbandictionary.com)
Acronym for "Fat Upper Pubic Area"; common misinterpretations include "Fat Upper Pussy Area," "Fat Upper Penile Area" ..gut roll on a woman, aka the double bubble, mini ass in front...a FUPA is characterized as fatness stored in the area between the genetalia and the belly button. Also characterized by incessant sweat marks left on clothing and the dank smell that only a true FUPA can have.
Acronym for "Fat Upper Pubic Area"; common misinterpretations include "Fat Upper Pussy Area," "Fat Upper Penile Area" ..gut roll on a woman, aka the double bubble, mini ass in front...a FUPA is characterized as fatness stored in the area between the genetalia and the belly button. Also characterized by incessant sweat marks left on clothing and the dank smell that only a true FUPA can have.
I have also heard it called "booty do" meaning.. "the front sticks out farther than the booty do." Or, a "gunt".. a mixture of the gut and the cu.. well.. you know. 
Anyway.What inspired me to write this blog is that it seemed today at the Riverchase Galleria in Birmingham, Alabama, that Fupa Festival 2009 was going on. Everywhere I turn, fupa. I'm sorry if you have one, or know and maybe love someone who has one. I'm sorry. I think it's disgusting and if I offend you, you don't have to read my blog. But man, WHAT THE HELL IS EVEN inside a fupa?
Anyway.What inspired me to write this blog is that it seemed today at the Riverchase Galleria in Birmingham, Alabama, that Fupa Festival 2009 was going on. Everywhere I turn, fupa. I'm sorry if you have one, or know and maybe love someone who has one. I'm sorry. I think it's disgusting and if I offend you, you don't have to read my blog. But man, WHAT THE HELL IS EVEN inside a fupa?
It could store some serious product. You could smuggle drugs across the border. They don't do fupa checks.
Another thing i've noticed is that people who have fupas choose to wear clothes that accentuate the fupa. IE, sweatpants, mom jeans... I even saw a fupa today that went above and beyond any i'd ever seen. It hung down, completely covering this woman's pubic area, down to about 5 inches above the knee. I know at my highschool, that was the legal length for a skirt. She could have come to school naked, lets put it that way. Her fupa covered all things woman. It led me to coin a new term. "Hopa." Hangs over the Pubic Area.
I mean, I can't even imagiane the hygiene that goes along with maintaining a healthy fupa, or hopa for that matter. If you were a man and wanted to make love to this woman, you would have to literally LIFT it up. Anyway. I just wanted to put out a little fupa awareness. We all know they are there. They really shouldn't be tolerated, but hey, what can you do?
All I can say ia LMFAO that a hillarious blog I think FUPA's and HOPA's should defintely be tolerated b/c they brighten up my day everytime I see one,they are the funniest entity's I have ever seen. Great blog can't wait to read future comments